Payroll News Canada - Employment Articles

February 2023 - Welcome to the latest edition of The Payroll News! As always, please feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends and associates who are interested in keeping up with the latest changes in Canadian payroll, employment and HR News. Federal and Provincial news items are listed immediately below followed by our Featured Article.

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Tip of the Month

February 2023 - CPP and EI Special Payments - Did you know that the CRA provides a chart that will help you determine whether or not to deduct Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, employment insurance (EI) premiums, and income tax on the special payments you make to your employees or recipients? The chart also includes notes about deducting tax from these payments. If your specific payment is not included on the chart, they also provide an alphabetical index to assist in locating your specific payment type. Click Here to learn more about this useful resource.

Looking for past tips? Please visit our Tip of the Month archive for historical tips other useful information that will assist with your payroll and HR tasks.

Canadian Federal Payroll and Employment News

February 13, 2023 - A guide to understanding Statistics Canada's unemployment numbers - Every month, Statistics Canada releases unemployment figures. Here's a quick look at the vocabulary, tools and meaning behind these numbers. To understand unemployment, you need to know why the unemployment rate is important. The unemployment rate tells us how well the economy is using its available resources (workers), said Vincent Hardy, senior analyst with Statistics Canada. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - This Is The Average Salary In Canada For 2023 & Which Jobs Pay Much Higher Wages - How does your salary compare to the rest of Canada? Job platform Indeed has shared what the average salary in Canada looks like, as well as how it compares to average wages in each province, and some regions make quite a bit more. Citing data from Statistics Canada, the average weekly salary across Canada among residents over 15 years old works out to be $59,059 per year, according to Indeed, or a weekly rate of $1,136. (Full Story)

February 12, 2023 - Employers face 'resistance' as they seek to increase office days - Hybrid and remote arrangements that became commonplace during the COVID-19 pandemic may not be going away any time soon, but some big Canadian employers want people to clock in from their office desks more frequently. Nearly three years after the global pandemic set in, sending office workers home with their laptops in hand, public health restrictions have largely lifted, and companies are starting to ramp up their number of mandatory office days. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - More employers boosting pay in 2023 - It seems the number of companies turning to higher pay to attract talent continues to rise. Nearly seven in 10 (69 per cent) of Canadian employers say wages will increase again this year. That is up from 66 per cent last year and a significant increase from 55 per cent in 2021, finds Express Employment Professionals. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - How many CEOs are planning workforce reductions? - Despite a bleak outlook, few CEOs are considering cutbacks to their workforce, according to a recent survey. Roughly one-quarter are considering hiring freezes (24 per cent) and workforce reductions (23 per cent) while fewer are planning compensation cuts (13 per cent) in the next 12 months, according to PwC Management Services. Among Canadian CEOs, 67 per cent do not plan to freeze hiring, compared to just 18 per cent who are considering the move. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - January job numbers continue rising trend - While the unemployment rate remained the same for January, 150,000 new jobs were created. According to the latest Labour Force Survey released by Statistics Canada, the unemployment rate came in unchanged at five per cent. The positive job numbers continue a trend that began in September, resulting in 326,000 new jobs since then. For women aged 25 to 54, the news continues to be positive as the employment rate of 82.2 per cent became the highest since 1976 when comparable data became available. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - How wellness is guiding employers, employees into the future workplace - After early three years mired in the coronavirus pandemic, employers are beginning to put the pieces of their respective workplaces back together, using wellness as the cornerstone. They're shaping their respective new ways of working - whether remote, in-office or hybrid - and expanding their thinking around wellness to achieve a successful return to a working normal. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - Labour Force Survey, January 2023 - Employment increased by 150,000 (+0.8%) in January, and the unemployment rate held steady at 5.0%. Employment gains were driven primarily by people aged 25 to 54 (+100,000; +0.8%), split evenly between women and men in this group. Employment also increased among people aged 55 and older (+43,000, +1.0%), while it was little changed among youth aged 15 to 24. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - Government Of Canada Is Hiring For A Lot Of Jobs In Alberta - The Government of Canada is currently hiring for a ton of jobs all over Alberta and you can get paid a triple-figure salary. Among the government jobs available right now are railway equipment inspectors, project engineers and nursing education providers. Jobs are available in Calgary and Edmonton as well as Lacombe and Red Deer. If you're looking to snag yourself a new job, one of these Government of Canada jobs could be the perfect fit. (Full Story)

February 6, 2023 - Just 25% of employers offering semi-retirement arrangements: survey - Despite an ongoing labour shortage, just a quarter (25 per cent) of Canadian employers offer semi-retirement arrangements, according to a new survey by the Harris Poll on behalf of Express Services Inc. Semi-retirement - or phased retirement - is a period of time during which a person stops working full time and begins working fewer hours. (Full Story)

February 2, 2023 - Nearly half of Canadian companies plan to raise employee salaries this year - Lots of Canadian organizations have plans to substantially increase salaries this year, new research from business consultation firm Normandin Beaudry has found. A survey about salary increase plans was held late last year, in which 440 organizations across Canada participated. The survey's purpose was to establish how earlier market predictions fared against businesses' real plans. (Full Story)

February 1, 2023 - Half of Canadian employers increasing salary budget for 2023: survey - Half (48 per cent) of Canadian employers say they're increasing their salary budget for 2023, according to a new survey by Normandin Beaudry. The survey, which polled more than 440 employers, found two-fifths (43 per cent) of respondents said they've earmarked an average of 1.2 per cent in additional funds for salary increases. Among the main reasons for increasing salary budgets, respondents cited market adjustments (76 per cent), retention of strategic or critical roles (60 per cent) and retention of employees at risk of leaving (51 per cent). (Full Story)

January 30, 2023 - Canada Jobs: Wages And Number Of People Working Climbed In November, Latest Data Reveals - Wages and the number of people landing paying Canada jobs both climbed in November last year, the latest data from Statistics Canada reveals. In its Payroll Employment, Earnings and Hours, and Job Vacancies, November 2022 report, the statistical and demographic services agency reveals that wages in that month were up 4.2 per cent over a year earlier and an extra 7,100 people in Canada landed paying jobs. (Full Story)

January 30, 2023 - 62% of Canadian employers using hybrid working model: survey - Nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of Canadian employers say they're using a hybrid working model, according to a new survey by Colliers Canada. The survey found 34 per cent said they require employees to work onsite full time, while just four per cent said they use a fully remote working arrangement. Just 49 per cent of respondents said they've finalized their plan for balancing in-office and remote work, while 27 per cent said they haven't finalized their plan and 24 per cent said they haven't developed a plan yet. (Full Story)

January 27, 2023 - Canada's payroll employment increases, as strong hiring continues - Across 10 out of 15 sectors, payroll employment (the number of employees receiving pay or receiving benefits from their employer) increased in November 2022-a good indication of a strong hiring climate, and a returning to pre-COVID economic output in Canada. As a result, many industries also saw a decrease in job vacancies-as employers were more effectively able to hire to fill openings, in the face of looming labour shortages. (Full Story)

January 27, 2023 - Should more employers offer ‘workcations' as a benefit? - "If employers want to have happy employees, productive employees, I think it's a really good idea." So said Karolina Turowska, community manager at Polish startup photoAiD, which helps clients with passport photo processing. And data backs up her claim. Overall, 67% of Americans went on a workcation to "recharge their mental and emotional batteries, according to's survey of over 1,100 Americans, conducted in December 2022. (Full Story)

January 25, 2023 - Demystifying the Canada Pension Plan - You've been contributing for years, but do you know what you'll receive? For Canadians at or nearing retirement, the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) can be a mystery. Many people who have contributed for years are unaware when they should begin their CPP and how much they'll receive. It's not as simple as collecting the CPP as soon as you can or leaving it until age 65. (Full Story)

January 24, 2023 - Canadian women want flexibility in the workplace - It is clear the pandemic has significantly changed the way Canadians view work and the workplace, according to a new study done by Abacus Data on behalf of The Honest Talk. A survey of more than 1,300 working adults in Canada reveals that 69% of respondents feel their work life has changed in some way as a result of the pandemic. Nearly half say that change is for the better. (Full Story)

January 20, 2023 - Double your vacation: This loophole lets Canadians maximize their days off for 2023 - Ever feel like vacation days pass way, way too quickly? We're about to let you in on a little secret that might help you maximize your 2023 time off. An analysis carried out by IT staffing firm Frank Recruitment Group shows that a maximum amount of time off work this year is "guaranteed" if you leave for your trip keeping certain bank holidays in perspective. (Full Story)

January 16, 2023 - Employers can use ‘Blue Monday' to reset workplace mental-health strategies - The third Monday in January, also known as ‘Blue Monday,' is considered to be the saddest day of the year, as people contend with frigid weather and higher-than-normal credit cards bills from the holiday season. Employers can use this occasion to check in with employees and plan their mental-health strategies for the year - it's a great time to remind staff of the well-being support tools available to them, such as employee assistance programs. (Full Story)

January 13, 2023 - The green jobs boom is coming to every corner of Canada - Climate action in Canada will create millions of new jobs and attract hundreds of billions of dollars in investment in the decades to come – much to the benefit of Canadian communities. From improving the energy efficiency of homes in Victoria, British Columbia, to producing hydrogen in Stephenville, Newfoundland, careers will be built across the country. But which clean economy opportunities will create green jobs in which regions? (Full Story)

January 12, 2023 - More Canadian workers have paid sick days than ever. Should paid sick leave be the law for all? - More workers have guaranteed paid sick leave in Canada than ever before. Ottawa's new law requiring 10 permanent paid sick days per year for all workers in federally regulated industries took effect last month, and B.C. is one year into its law granting most workers in the province five employer-paid sick days annually. (Full Story)

January 11, 2023 - Canada Pension Plan doesn't need fixing - The Canada Pension Plan is an employee/employer-funded program. It is not funded by government. Canada Revenue Agency and Employment and Social Development manage the fund. When a person reaches 60, they can begin to withdraw funds or if they are still working they can make additional contributions. The more you work, the more you will receive so not all people receive the same amount. (Full Story)

January 10, 2023 - Canadian workers' wages are on the rise. Can they keep pace with inflation? - Canadian workers faced an uphill battle trying to keep pace with inflation in 2022, jobs figures show, a struggle that experts say forces hard decisions for low-income workers who aren't making a living wage. Statistics Canada's labour report showed Friday that average hourly wages were up 5.1 per cent in December over the previous year. Canadian workers faced an uphill battle trying to keep pace with inflation in 2022, jobs figures show, a struggle that experts say forces hard decisions for low-income workers who aren't making a living wage. Statistics Canada's labour report showed Friday that average hourly wages were up 5.1 per cent in December over the previous year. (Full Story)

January 9, 2023 - Mandatory overtime is increasingly the norm for Canadian workers - The eight-hour working day and forty-hour workweek are increasingly becoming a relic of the past in Canada and internationally. These fundamental advances, which workers fought and died for over the course of a century and a half, are now effectively a dead letter. In spite of extraordinary technological progress and unprecedented productivity, workers in every industry are working longer for less. (Full Story)

Provincial Payroll and Employment News (Choose a province to expand the articles)

February 3, 2023 - Update on social service sector worker wage increase - Alberta's government is proud to support our front-line workers who do tremendous work in supporting Albertans with disabilities. Recently, I had the privilege of announcing an increase to contract agreements for organizations throughout the disability sector to help address wages for thousands of front-line disability workers. This announcement is helping fulfill our ministry's mandate letter from the Premier in supporting vulnerable Albertans and the workers who care for them. (Full Story)

January 31, 2023 - Alberta's Top Employers take a holistic approach to recruitment - It's boom times again for Alberta, with recent forecasts noting that job creation is running at a brisk 5.6 per cent and predicting the provincial economy will continue growing well above the national rate. But accompanying the rebound are familiar recruitment challenges, and this year's winners of the Alberta's Top Employers competition provide insight into how these challenges are being met. (Full Story)

January 31, 2023 - Alberta Blue Cross embraces workplace flexibility - The pandemic sparked a dramatic shift in the way people work, and it's one that many organizations, including Alberta Blue Cross, believe is here to stay. Based on the type of work they do and their personal preferences, Alberta Blue Cross has tried to provide as much flexibility in work styles as possible. As a result, 54 per cent of the organization's nearly 1,300 employees currently work from home full-time, while another 40 per cent pursue a mix of remote and in-office work. (Full Story)

January 31, 2023 - WCB – Alberta supports employees to do ‘noble' work - The CEO of the Workers' Compensation Board – Alberta says its employees need to be strong and resilient, and well. This focus includes having a corporate wellness department that handles health, safety and wellness programs. The Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) provides online resources to support employees with personal and professional challenges. Its employee and family assistance program offers 24/7 services to support mental health and other life stresses. (Full Story)

January 30, 2023 - AB had 2nd worst payroll employee growth under UCP - Statistics Canada recently released third quarter data on payroll employment for each of the provinces. The seasonally adjusted data was as of November 2022. This data is different from the labour force data I reported on for November, in that this specifically reports on workers who are on payroll. In November 2022, there were 2,064,361 payroll employees working in Alberta. The month before, that number was 2,060,720. That's a 3,641 increase, the largest increase in the country. (Full Story)

January 18, 2023 - Alberta to fast-track immigrants based on family ties in effort to attract workers - Alberta's government will now fast-track more international immigrant applications for permanent residency if newcomers have close family ties in the province. The province announced Wednesday its Alberta Advantage Immigration Program will now allocate one-quarter of its express entry stream nominations to those with skills and experience in high-demand jobs who also have an immediate family member in Alberta, such as a parent, a child, or a sibling. (Full Story)

January 15, 2023 - Some firms are offering unlimited time off for employees. Will it work? What experts say - The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the concept of work in more ways than one. With work-from-home and hybrid office cultures becoming a reality for many, time-off policies are also changing. Last week, Microsoft became the latest company to announce that all its salaried U.S. employees will get unlimited time off, under its new policy known as "Discretionary Time Off," The Verge reported. (Full Story)

January 12, 2023 - Employers raising concerns over Alberta leaving CPP, but expert says move could yield benefits for workers - While many Alberta employers say they'd be disadvantaged if the province left the Canada Pension Plan, one expert says a provincial pension plan could benefit members by reducing contributions and increasing retirement savings. Last November, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith instructed the province's finance minister to provide recommendations on the implementation of a provincial pension plan. (Full Story)

January 10, 2023 - WCB announces no increase to claims cost threshold - The Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta has announced that there will be no increase to the claims cost threshold. The claims cost threshold for no-time-lost claims used in experience rating is reviewed annually and will remain at $1,800 for claims occurring in 2023. Learn more [PDF, 0.05MB] about how claims affect premiums. (Full Story)

January 10, 2023 - 2023 WCB cost of living adjustments - The Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta has posted the 2023 cost of living adjustments. The 2023 cost of living adjustment (COLA) amount is 5.48% for eligible workers. The board has provided factsheets for both workers and employees (see the following links). (Workers) - (Employers)

January 6, 2023 - WCB Alberta employer annual payroll estimate due February 28th - Every year, all employers registered with Alberta's Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) must complete an Annual Payroll Estimate even if the amount is zero. If you have workers, you're required to report by February 28 both your insurable earnings for the past year and an estimate of what you expect to pay in the current year. This is important information to ensure you are paying the correct premium amount. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - B.C. needs to fill more than 1 million jobs within 10 years: report - Help Wanted. That sign will hang outside British Columbia for the foreseeable future as the provincial government forecasts more than one million jobs to open up with the next decade. The figure headlines the latest B.C. Labour Market Outlook, a 10-year forecast that helps governments, organizations, post-secondary institutions and businesses to support the workforce. Sixty-three per cent of all openings are expected to come from retirements, the rest from economic growth. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - Labour Market Outlook predicts bright future - B.C.'s latest Labour Market Outlook forecasts more than one million job openings in the next decade, showing job and career opportunities that people of all ages can use to map out their education, skills training and career paths. The Labour Market Outlook is a 10-year forecast that helps governments, organizations, post-secondary institutions and businesses direct resources to support the future workforce. (Full Story)

February 7, 2023 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to become a statutory holiday in B.C. - The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is set to become a statutory holiday in B.C., the government announced Tuesday. Sept. 30 is already a federal holiday, meaning that workers in federally regulated industries are entitled to a day off with pay. A bill introduced in the legislature Tuesday by Labour Minister Harry Bains will make it a provincial one as well. Bains said the holiday will be observed in B.C. beginning in September 2023 and that all workers in B.C. will be covered by the province's Employment Standards Act and will be entitled to a paid day off every Sept. 30. (Full Story)

February 5, 2023 - More than 15,000 workers' compensation claims filed in B.C. over COVID-19 - Over 15,000 claims were filed with B.C.'s workplace regulator regarding COVID-19 exposures since the first case of the virus was recorded in the province three years ago. According to data from WorkSafeBC, which adjudicates and provides compensation for workers who get ill or injured on the job, health-care workers filed the most COVID-19-related claims. (Full Story)

January 17, 2023 - New jobs fund will support employment, resilient economies - The StrongerBC Economic Plan is delivering support for people in rural British Columbia through a new fund that will diversify local economies, promote value-added innovation in the forestry sector and create thousands of good-paying jobs for British Columbians. The Government of B.C. will invest as much as $90 million over three years through the new BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund. The fund will support high-value industrial and manufacturing projects to drive clean and inclusive growth in rural, remote and Indigenous communities. (Full Story)

January 13, 2023 - New safety resources available to help reduce the risk of struck-by incidents at your worksite - At many workplaces, workers are at risk of being struck by vehicles or mobile equipment such as forklifts, excavators, trucks, and graders. Reducing the risk of workers being struck by vehicles or mobile equipment: Guide to using the fillable template, along with the fillable template, will help employers identify where on a worksite vehicles or mobile equipment operate near workers, so you can eliminate or minimize the risks. (Full Story)

January 12, 2023 - Governments, employers called on to support a living wage in B.C. - In 2022, the living wage increased in British Columbia to record highs, with jumps in housing and food costs driving the change. Sitting at $24.08 an hour, Metro Vancouver saw the highest living wage increase since these annual calculations began in 2008, according to a recent report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Living Wage for Families B.C. Meanwhile, the living wage in Victoria has now surpassed Vancouver and sits at $24.29 an hour. (Full Story)

January 11, 2023 - B.C. early childhood educator report finds 45% of employers losing staff - Early findings from a report say 45 per cent of B.C. early childhood educator companies are losing more staff than they can hire. The findings were released from an Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) report, entitled Evaluation of the Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy in British Columbia, which shows a significant issue in hiring and retaining staff within the industry. (Full Story)

January 10, 2023 - B.C. adds 62,900 jobs in 2022, construction industry grows: Statistics Canada - The Province of British Columbia saw substantial job growth throughout 2022, with Statistics Canada reporting 62,900 jobs added. More than 16,000 jobs were added in December, offsetting a net loss in November. The unemployment remains near historic lows at 4.2 per cent, reports Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada also reported a 2.3 per cent increase in the number of construction workers across the country in December, a gain of 35,000 people. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - Schools added to Manitoba list of high-risk industries - Schools are now listed alongside foundries, sawmills and excavation sites as Manitoba's most "high-risk industries" - a distinction that has historically been reserved for manufacturing and other labour-intensive sectors. "It doesn't surprise me at all," said one educational assistant, who agreed to an interview on the condition of anonymity to protect his employment in the Winnipeg School Division. (Full Story)

February 6, 2023 - Newcomers say Manitoba's nominee program penalizes them for studying, working elsewhere - Some newcomers who recently moved to Manitoba believe they are being unfairly penalized by the provincial nominee program. A crowd of about 400 people gathered for a rally at the Punjab Cultural Centre in Winnipeg on Monday afternoon, protesting what they say is punishment that Manitoba's provincial nominee program is handing down to people who have studied or worked elsewhere before coming to Manitoba. (Full Story)

January 18, 2023 - Less than 1% of Manitoba's minimum wage subsidy paid to small businesses, the rest unclaimed - A subsidy designed to help some Manitoba businesses lift their salaries to reach the higher minimum wage has hardly been utilized. Of the $6 million budgeted for the six-month program that started last October, the province has only doled out $20,400 of the funds - or 0.3 per cent - to a total of 108 businesses, the government said. The program is still running until the end of March, however. (Full Story)

January 18, 2023 - ‘Clean Slate Program' launched to help employ at-risk Manitobans - Manitoba is giving $150,000 to the Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP) to help launch the "Clean Slate Program" designed to help at-risk Manitobans find employment, Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced Wednesday. The program's ideal is to help marginalized people gain employable skills and contribute to community safety and beautification. Participants will remain in the program for up to 12 months, after which DCSP will help connect them with longer-term employment opportunities, the minister noted. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - New Job Bank For N.B.'s Agriculture Industry - New Brunswick agriculture producers have a new resource to help them find help on their farms. On February 6, the Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick (AANB) announced a new job bank available on its AgriNB website. The AANB is one of the main organizations representing New Brunswick agriculture businesses. It launched the website in March of 2022. (Full Story)

February 7, 2023 - Seasonal workers should get Medicare coverage, advocacy group says - An advocacy group is calling on New Brunswick to extend Medicare coverage to the thousands of temporary foreign workers living in the province. Approximately 3,400 people work from six to eight months in the province's major industries - forestry, seafood processing and food manufacturing. Medicare is only available to those with a work permit that's valid for 12 months or more, which excludes seasonal workers. (Full Story)

January 30, 2023 - Minimum wage to reach highest in Atlantic Canada - On April 1, the third $1 per-hour increase to the minimum wage over the past 12 months will push New Brunswick's minimum wage to $14.75 per hour, the highest in Atlantic Canada. Following increases totalling $2-per hour in 2022, the minimum wage is once again indexed to the province's consumer price index, which grew by 7.3 per cent in 2022. (Full Story)

January 19, 2023 - Groups mixed on bill proposing paid sick days - A piece of legislation introduced by the leader of the New Brunswick Green Party aims to give workers up to 10 days of paid sick leave. Under the province's Employment Standards Act, non-unionized employers only provide employees with five days of unpaid leave. According to Statistics Canada, employees in New Brunswick missed 10.2 days of work due to illness or disability in 2020. (Full Story)

January 16, 2023 - Notice to employers: payments and payroll reports - WorkSafeBC is reminding employers that it's time to report your annual payroll (Form 100). The filing deadline is Feb. 28, 2023. They are not accepting payments or processing Form 100s at their office locations. You can pay assessments at the Service New Brunswick branch nearest you, or by phone, online at, online banking, or by mail. (Full Story)

January 11, 2023 - New Brunswick legislature to consider mandating 10 paid sick days - A bill that would mandate 10 paid sick days in New Brunswick has been booted to a legislative committee where lawmakers will hear from witnesses and stakeholders about the proposal. Right now The Employment Standards Act mandates five unpaid sick days for workers in the province. That's not good enough when many workers who don't have access to sick leave can't afford to take time off when they're ill. (Full Story)

January 10, 2023 - New program launched to retain international students after graduation - Opportunities NB held the first Study and Succeed in New Brunswick conference Jan. 6-8. This marked the launch of the Study and Succeed in New Brunswick program, which will offer international students access to the resources, support and connections needed to launch a successful career and fulfilling life in the province. The program aims to increase the availability of skilled labour by retaining more international students after graduation. (Full Story)

February 9, 2023 - Paid Sick Days: A Matter of Workplace Justice and Public Health - As in most provinces and territories, non-unionized employees in Newfoundland and Labrador have no legislated entitlement to paid time off from work when they, or a family member they provide care for, are sick. Only Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and British Columbia legislate any paid sick days, the latter leading the way with five paid days in addition to three unpaid days. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - Nunavut and Newfoundland and Labrador to partner on several fronts - Nunavut and Newfoundland and Labrador have made a deal to work together. It spells out a commitment to collaborate on natural resource development, health care, social development, language, wellness, climate change and transportation, and commits to strengthen the skilled labour workforce in both jurisdictions through education and training. (Full Story)

January 18, 2023 - Newfoundland and Labrador income support pilot to offer bonuses to recipients maintaining employment - A new pilot project in Newfoundland and Labrador will offer financial bonuses to individuals receiving income support who begin a new job or maintain work. The pilot was co-developed with Choices for Youth and Stella's Circle and is being funded in part through an agreement between the federal and provincial governments. (Full Story)

January 18, 2023 - Welcoming foreign workers to NL - According to a labour force estimate put out by the Department of Finance in Dec. 2022, currently in the province the unemployment rate is sitting at 9.4 per cent, which is approximately 5 per cent higher than the Canadian unemployment rate of 4.4 per cent. A Labour Shortage Trends report in Canada released by Statistics Canada in Nov. 2022 that examined the five primary job sectors: construction, manufacturing, retail trade, health care and social assistance, and accommodation and food services, the ratio of new hires to vacancies has been trending downward. (Full Story)

January 9, 2023 - It's Time to File Your 2022 Annual Employer Statements - WorkplaceNL is reminding businesses of the deadline for filing their 2022 Annual Employer Statements. Statements are due by February 28, 2023 and must include the following: Employer Payroll Statement, Occupational Health and Safety Statement, and Employer Contractor Statement. To complete your statements, you can log into the connect website, and select Annual Employer Statements from the menu. (Full Story)

February 9, 2023 - Have your say on the NWT's National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is seeking input from Indigenous governments, Indigenous organizations, residential school survivors, including survivors of intergenerational trauma, and residents of the NWT to explore how to best acknowledge and support the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in future years. Direct engagement with Indigenous governments and Indigenous organizations about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will occur over the coming months. (Full Story)

February 7, 2023 - Have Your Say on Affirmative Action in the GNWT - The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is seeking input from Indigenous governments, Indigenous organizations, and residents of the Northwest Territories (NWT) to replace its Affirmative Action Policy with an Indigenous Employment Policy and an Employment Equity Policy. An Indigenous Employment Policy will prioritize hiring persons who are descendants of the Dene, Inuit, or Métis people, indigenous to the present boundaries of the NWT. An Employment Equity Policy will afford preferred hiring status to Indigenous Canadians, racialized persons, persons living with disabilities, members of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community, and long-term northerners. (Full Story)

February 1, 2023 - MP Michael McLeod announces support for business innovation and economic growth in the Northwest Territories - Building a strong economy means supporting businesses as they adapt, grow and seek out new economic opportunities. In the Northwest Territories (NWT), Indigenous and Northern businesses are building a path forward through creativity, new ideas and innovation, and diversifying our economy, and the Government of Canada is making targeted investments to support businesses and create good jobs Northerners can depend on. (Full Story)

January 17, 2023 - N.W.T. gov't workforce grew 25% over past 5 years - Did the pandemic and the creation of the COVID Secretariat drive a major increase in the number of people working for the N.W.T. government? The territory's Finance department says so, but the latest public service annual report from October contradicts that. The secretariat, which at one point employed 175 people, was staffed mainly by existing government employees who were redeployed. (Full Story)

January 2023 - Report Payroll - The Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut is reminding businesses of the deadline for filing their 2022 Annual Employer Statements. All employers are required to report assessable payroll to the Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC). An employer's assessable payroll is used to calculate the employers' annual assessments. The due date for filing the Annual Payroll Report is February 28th, annually. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - Every job is important and has value - One should never underestimate what a job means for an individual and their family. I understand this all too well. We are all aware that Cabot employs 500-plus employees in Inverness County every year. It should be noted that there are many full time positions within Cabot's organization, and these folks are raising their families, building homes, volunteering in local organizations, supporting local churches, buying groceries at local stores, and gas at local stations. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - Campaign highlights recovery benefits of returning to work after injury - WCB Nova Scotia has launched a new ad campaign reminding workers and employers that betting back to work is part of the recovery process following a workplace injury. The campaign is called ‘Getting back is part of getting better' and it was developed in conjunction with the other Atlantic workers' compensation organizations. It's part of a collective effort to reduce the human and economic impacts of workplace injuries in the region. (Full Story)

February 7, 2023 - CPI adjustment for workers - The NS WCB says that February payments for eligible recipients who receive regular monthly benefits will include a one-time Consumer Price Index (CPI) benefit adjustment amount which covers the month of January. When the CPI shows the cost of living in Nova Scotia has increased, WCB benefits are increased by one half of the CPI percentage increase, as directed by the Workers' Compensation Act. We use the annual average CPI as calculated by Statistics Canada. (Full Story)

February 3, 2023 - Province Accepts Faster Path to $15 Minimum Wage - The Province has accepted the recommendations from the Minimum Wage Review Committee, which include setting the minimum wage at $15 an hour on October 1, six months sooner than scheduled. In January, the government sought input from community partners before deciding on the committee's recommendations in its December report. (Full Story)

January 9, 2023 - Additional Funding Supports Thousands More High-Skilled Internships - The Province is partnering with Mitacs to train the next generation of skilled workers that will help find solutions for healthcare, clean-tech and other sectors that require highly qualified researchers. With $13 million in additional funding, the government is creating up to 3,200 more paid internship opportunities for post-secondary students and others studying in Nova Scotia over the next four years. (Full Story)

January 5, 2023 - Annual Review Submitted by Minimum Wage Review Committee - Nova Scotia's Minimum Wage Review Committee has submitted its report with recommendations on the minimum wage rate, proposing a faster path to reaching $15 per hour. The government will seek input from community partners before making a decision on the committee's recommendations. (Full Story)

February 9, 2023 - Bus and truck drivers eligible for Express Entry - On November 16, 2022, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) transitioned from its National Occupation Classification (NOC) 2016 system to an updated NOC 2021 version. As part of this transition to NOC 2021, IRCC made 16 occupations newly eligible for Express Entry. Included among those additions are transport truck drivers and bus drivers, two occupations that are pressured by significant labour shortages across Canada. (Full Story)

January 31, 2023 - Payroll tax annual returns for employers due - The Department of Finance reminds employers that the Nunavut annual payroll tax returns are due by February 28, 2023. The payroll tax annual return form is no longer mailed out. It is available for download at Please submit the form by email to Annual return forms are different from monthly, quarterly, semi- annually, and annual remittance forms that accompany payments. (Full Story)

January 27, 2023 - Take caution with payday loans - Payday loans are short-term loans with higher interest rates than those of regular loans or lines of credit, to be repaid at the borrower's next payday. Additional fees apply if terms of the repayment agreement are not met, making them a very expensive way to borrow money. High interest rates and potential additional fees make payday loans harder to pay back, which can increase financial difficulties and stress. (Full Story)

January 13, 2023 - WSCC NWT & Nunavut employer annual payroll estimate due February 28th - Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (WSCC) is reminding businesses that they are required to report payroll figures annually. Report both your insurable earnings for the past year and an estimate of what you expect to pay in the current year, using WSCC Connect. This information is required by February 28. Failure to report by the due date results in penalties. WSCC will multiply your payroll estimate by your firm's premium rate to determine your premium. (Full Story)

January 2023 - Report Payroll - The Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut is reminding businesses of the deadline for filing their 2022 Annual Employer Statements. All employers are required to report assessable payroll to the Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC). An employer's assessable payroll is used to calculate the employers' annual assessments. The due date for filing the Annual Payroll Report is February 28th, annually. (Full Story)

Feb 13, 2023 - Access training for new employees with the Canada-Ontario job grant - Investing in training is always a worthwhile venture for every business owner. Funding is available to Ontario employers who are looking to invest in their workforce, with assistance from the Government. The Canada Ontario Job Grant program is funded by The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development for employers who are looking for financial support to purchase training for employees and new hires. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - Explainer: What is a living wage? - With many people struggling to make ends meet, even getting a second job to pay the bills, some employers are embracing a new tactic: a living wage. It's a calculated hourly rate - above minimum wage - paid to employees, giving them extra money to pay for essential items. A living wage is calculated using housing and transportation costs, along with the cost of groceries and daycare. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - Jump in number of workers contributing to RRSPs - More Canadians are taking actions now to prepare for life after employment, according to a recent report. Over half (51 per cent) plan to contribute to their Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) this year - an increase of 18 per cent from last year, according to investment dealer Edward Jones. The year-over-year surge is driven by those aged 18-34 and 35-54, who are 22 per cent and 23 per cent, respectively, more likely to contribute to their RRSPs this year. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - Finding and keeping your people in the workforce - The labour shortage. The talent shortage. The reports have been everywhere. But which is it? Are skills missing or people? And what could help fix the problem? Across Waterloo Wellington Dufferin, we are in a bit of population nightmare. In December 2022, 65 per cent of the population aged 15 and over, who are not working or looking for work, is pretty much retired. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - 'Can't find anyone:' Skills gap and labour shortage stressing out Durham employers - Gone are the days when resumes would pile up on employers' desks and they could have their pick of a never-ending line of candidates when choosing their next hire. Now, it seems applicants are the ones calling the shots in this candidate-driven market. Statistics Canada found for the third quarter of 2022, there were 372,000 job vacancies in Ontario. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - Ontario Targets Primarily Skilled Trades Candidates In New Canada Immigration Draws - Ontario has issued 807 Canada immigration invitations to mainly skilled trades candidates in new draws through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). The invitations were issued through three draws on February 10. A draw through the Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream saw 466 invites issued to candidates scoring between 260 and 489 Comprehensive Ranking System points. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - February 10, 2023 - 78% of Ontario employers say supporting employee mental health, well-being important to company's success - More than three-quarters (78 per cent) of employers in Ontario believe supporting employee mental health and well-being is important for their organization's success, according to a new survey by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. Nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of respondents said they offer paid sick leave to their permanent employees, with the number of paid days varying depending on the size of the business. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - Reimagining the future of work - From all corners of the province, Ontarians are feeling the squeeze as they look at their paycheques, walk down the aisles of the grocery store, fuel up at the gas stations, and pay their rent. Wages are failing to keep pace with the rising cost of living. In fact, at its peak last year, inflation in Ontario increased more than twice as fast as wages. That difference translates into a substantial decline in real living standards for workers. (Full Story)

February 8, 2023 - People Looking For Ontario Jobs Are Over It & Think Companies Should Have To Post Salaries - Ontario jobs are apparently ripe and ready for the taking if you ask Premier Doug Ford, but the story for those actually looking for a job in Ontario right now is sounding a whole lot different. On top of rising interest rates in Canada and the cost of living, people who are job hunting seem to be getting more and more annoyed with the Ontario job market, specifically when it comes to salaries and whether or not companies post a salary range for a position they're trying to fill. (Full Story)

January 31, 2023 - Ontario job seekers increasingly looking for work in other provinces: Indeed - Ontario job seekers are increasingly looking for work in other provinces, especially positions in remote-friendly sectors like tech, said a new report from Indeed. In the second half of 2022, 6.1 per cent of clicks on Canadian job postings by Ontario-based job seekers were for positions in other provinces, according to the job search company. (Full Story)

January 30, 2023 - Noticing a labour shortage? Here's what's really going on in Ontario's job market - The vast majority of workers in Ontario haven't experienced anything quite like it their entire working lives: a labour market tilted in their favour. Statistics show unemployment running as low as it's ever been, record-high job vacancy numbers and unprecedented labour force participation rates. The labour market is "the tightest it's been in half a century, and it's not unique to Ontario," says economist Armine Yalnizyan. (Full Story)

January 23, 2023 - What Ontario employees working from home need to know about time theft - Experts are warning that electronic tracking and monitoring of remote employees in Ontario could be used by companies as evidence of time theft. Time theft, a broad term used to describe incidents in which an employee says they are working when they are not, is not an idea exclusive to remote work. (Full Story)

January 20, 2023 - Ontario Expanding Learn and Stay Grant to Train More Health Care Workers - The Ontario government is connecting over a dozen underserved and growing communities with more health care workers by expanding the Learn and Stay grant. Eligible students will receive full, upfront funding for tuition, books and other direct educational costs in return for working and caring for people in the region where they studied for a term of service after they graduate. (Full Story)

January 2, 2023 - Higher cost of living and payroll deductions could see more residents budgeting in Waterloo Region - A change to your pay cheque can be expected in 2023 as contributions to the Canadian Pension and Employment Insurance are increasing. Between higher payroll deductions for workers and the rising cost of living, budgeting will certainly be something top of mind for many residents of Waterloo Region this year. (Full Story)

February 9, 2023 - How many remote workers have 2 jobs? - Nearly eight in 10 - or 79% - remote employees have worked at least two jobs at the same time in the past year. Known as "overemployed," the practice is intended to earn extra income and achieve financial freedom, says ResumeBuilder, which did a survey of 1,272 remote workers. And 36% of the respondents said they have at least two full-time jobs, with the majority making six figures. (Full Story)

February 9, 2023 - P.E.I. vacancy rate target out of reach without bigger workforce, says construction industry - The Construction Association of P.E.I. says the provincial housing minister's goal for the Island's vacancy rate to go from less than one per cent to four per cent within two years won't be achievable without the addition of more skilled tradespeople. The Island's construction workforce has grown over the last five years, from 5,600 in 2017 to 7,200 in 2022, according to Statistics Canada. But the demand has grown too, and Sanderson said the industry is going to be losing workers over the next five years. (Full Story)

February 1, 2023 - 2022 Labour Force Survey shows record growth in PEI's employment sector - The 2022 Labour Force Survey for Prince Edward Island highlights a record year for employment and wage figures and showcases the strength of PEI's growing economy. The Labour Force Survey Annual Report is compiled and published by PEI's Statistics Bureau in partnership with data collected by Statistics Canada. The survey gives an overview and snapshot of the provincial employment market during the year, and compares those figures to previous years. (Full Story)

February 1, 2023 - Employer registration renewal  - The Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island is remind employers that the deadline for renewing your WCB Employer Registration is Feb. 28.  Registration renewals may be processed online via their Online Services website. (Full Story)

January 12, 2023 - P.E.I.'s WCB raises wage loss benefits for injured workers, doubles amount it pays for funeral expenses - The compensation rate for wage loss benefits for workers injured on the job in Prince Edward Island is rising from 85 per cent to 90 per cent of net earnings. The Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of PEI is also doubling the amount it provides to pay funeral expenses for workers killed on the job and increasing the lump-sum benefit paid to the family of a worker. (Full Story)

January 12, 2023 - WCB Benefits for Injured Workers Enhanced - The Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of PEI announces the implementation of the most significant benefit enhancement package for injured workers in the last decade, while continuing to maintain reasonable costs for Island employers. Amendments to the Workers Compensation Act were unanimously passed during the fall 2022 sitting of the legislature, providing for a suite of incremental enhancements to worker benefits. (Full Story)

January 1, 2023 - Minimum wage on Prince Edward Island increases to $14.50 - The first of two increases that will boost Prince Edward Island's minimum wage to $15 by the end of the year comes into effect on Sunday. A news release from the province's Department of Economic Growth says minimum wage is set to increase by 80 cents to $14.50 on Jan. 1, and will rise a further 50 cents on Oct. 1. The minimum wage increase for P.E.I. was first announced in the fall. (Full Story)

February 10, 2023 - January Sees Over 16,000 New Jobs - Recently released January labour force figures from Statistics Canada show Saskatchewan is off to a strong start in 2023, with 16,400 new jobs when compared to January 2022, an increase of 2.9 per cent. The seasonally adjusted provincial unemployment rate was 4.3 per cent in January 2023, down from 5.6 per cent in January 2022 and down from 4.4 per cent compared to December 2022. The rate is the third lowest among the provinces, and below the national average of 5.0 per cent. (Full Story)

February 9, 2023 - Chair of Alberta minimum wage panel calls out UCP to release three-year-old report - University of Alberta economist Joseph Marchand made waves five years ago when he predicted the NDP government's shift to a $15-an-hour minimum wage would cost the province thousands of jobs. The report became ammunition for critics of the Notley government, and was attacked by advocates of a living-wage policy as "alarmist." (Full Story)

January 27, 2023 - Sask Rivers report shows increase in injuries in 2022 - The number of workplace incidents causing injury in the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division increased during 2022, according to a safety report provided at the school board's regular meeting on January 23. An annual report from Education Director Robert Bratvold showed 18 incidents causing injury, with 20 people injured in 2021. In 2022, that increased to 31 incidents causing injury. (Full Story)

January 26, 2023 - More Health Care Workers on Track to Join Saskatchewan's Health Care System - Saskatchewan continues to make progress in attracting and recruiting health care workers from home and abroad as part of the province's Health Human Resources (HHR) Action Plan to recruit, train, incentivize and retain health care professionals. Registered Nurses (RNs) from the Philippines who received conditional offers have begun working their way through the RN Pathway which includes language, bridging education and licensing. (Full Story)

January 20, 2023 - Saskatchewan WCB seeking customer feedback - In the months of January and February, the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) will be reaching out to customers across the province to gather feedback to help improve WCB services. The information provided by customers will be vital in improving the WCB's services over the short and long term. As customers experience these services from a different perspective, we will be seeking input from injured workers and employers at all touchpoints of their experience with us. (Full Story)

January 17, 2023 - Worker safety needs to be higher priority in Saskatchewan - 2022 was a special year for occupational health and safety in Saskatchewan - it marked the 50th anniversary of first of its kind legislation in North America giving workers the right to participate in health and safety in their workplace. But we are reminded that there is still more work to do. The Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board accepted 36 fatality claims as of the end of November 2022. (Full Story)

February 13, 2023 - Get training or find employment - Employment and Training Services (ETS) provides support to people who are experiencing barriers to employment. It includes a variety of assessments, pre-employment supports and employment-related training and learning opportunities. The program will match you with employment or training that suits your goals, skills and interests. (Full Story)

January 11, 2023 - Workers' Safety and Compensation Board launches app to help prevent violence and harassment at work - The Workers' Safety and Compensation Board (WSCB) is launching a new app to help employers and workers fulfill their obligation to improve Yukon workplace safety. The app is a resource to deliver accurate workplace violence and harassment prevention information to Yukoners in an easy-to-access and secure manner. (Full Story)

5 Factors to Consider Before Investing in Payroll Software

As the world of work changes along with rapid digital disruption, so too must the way businesses handle payroll. With more businesses operating remotely and distributed workforces becoming the norm, automating payroll with software is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

When operating a business, there are many factors to consider before making any sort of investment-particularly when it comes to something as crucial as payroll. Mistakes in payroll best practices can be costly, and can even lead to employee turnover. In today's economy, employers can ill-afford talent shortages.

Payroll at a Glance

Payroll is a critical aspect of business operations-one of the gears that keep the organization's wheels turning. Payroll involves a detailed process of calculating employee earnings and tax obligations.

In many organizations, payroll is the most significant overhead expense. Generally, companies spend 15% to 30% of their expenses on salaries. Computing salaries can be complex; however, understanding the process is critical to managing your business's finances. Below is a diagram that outlines a typical payroll process and workflow:

7 -steps in the payroll process

There are multiple ways to process payroll. You can do it manually, or outsource it to a payroll provider. Better yet, consider a payroll system that helps to automated some of the process.

If you plan to invest in a payroll system, there are some critical factors to consider.

5 Factors to Consider Before Investing in Payroll Software

Here are some questions you should ask your payroll software provider before choosing to sign up with them.

  1. How much automation is provided? The primary benefit of a payroll system is the automation it offers. Automating payroll processes will simplify the task of paying employees on time. It can ensure accuracy, while saving time with obligations like salary generation, cheques and deposits, provincial and federal taxes, and remittances.
    Automating standard processes allows payroll managers to focus on higher value tasks.
  2. Does it allow customization? Customizing a payroll application means being able to select the features your organization needs, such as task-specific reporting, work processes, breaks, tax deposit and filing, bank account enrollment, and others.
    Additionally, you must determine whether the software is compatible with mobile devices. This feature helps HR teams to access the dashboard and to process payroll on their mobile devices if needed.
    A customizable package with allows you to spread out your cost, depending on your need, while avoiding a substantial initial investment.
  3. Does it offer reporting tools? Your payroll software should give you an accurate report of your payroll costs. Assessing your growth and scalability requires an accurate understanding of how much you're spending on your payroll.
    A payroll system should allow you to see the costs across the different departments in your organization, and should give you a sense of employee productivity.
    Reporting tools that make payroll analysis easy can help in assessing employees for salary adjustments and promotions.
  4. Does it integrate with other business tools? If you have an existing attendance and time-tracking system, look for a payroll system with integration/import capabilities. This will allow you to reduce the time needed to enter hours each period.
  5. Is it compliant with your local regulations? Ensure your payroll system is fully compliant with federal and provincial regulations. Ideally, the software should be updated automatically as legislation changes.

Invest in Payroll Software with Automation

Efficient and accurate payroll processing is essential to the success of any organization. And while there are many ways to process payroll, payroll systems with automated features have become increasingly popular because they offer a number of advantages, including time and cost savings.

When choosing a payroll system for your organization, consider the factors discussed above to ensure you find a system that is truly automated, offers customizable features, and can generate accurate reports. Additionally, look for a system that integrates with other business tools and is compliant with local regulations.

Payroll systems like eNETEmployer from CanPay Payroll offer many benefits that manual processing simply can't match. These systems are worth the investment if they improve your organization's efficiency, employee satisfaction, and bottom line.

Author Bio Dean Mathews is the founder and CEO of OnTheClock, an employee time tracking app that helps over 15,000 companies all around the world track time.

Software Updates

eNETEmployer (Current Release)

  • Added an "Other" category to the HR module. This allows you to create HR items that do not fall into the default set of HR categories that are already offered in eNETEmployer.
  • Fixed issue where an error message was displayed when deleting certain HR items.
  • Updated the RL1 form background for 2022 in the Print Year End Forms screen.
  • Added support for Revenu Quebec's new Certification Number requirements for RL1 reporting.
  • Added support for the 2022 RL1 form background that provides 2 RL1 per page. This option is available under the Print Year End Forms screen - RL1 - 2 per page, preprinted form option.
  • Added 2022 RL-1 certification number for the RL-1 xml file.

GrandMaster Suite (v18.04)

  • Adjusted the printing of Releve 1 forms.
  • Updated the RL1 form background for 2022.
  • Added support for Revenu Quebec's new Certification Number requirements for RL1 reporting.
  • Added support for the 2022 RL1 form background that provides 2 RL1 per page.
  • Corrected an issue where the eNETInbox upload displayed "null" in place of the Current Gross amount.
  • Adjusted an issue where some columns were misaligned in the NR4 report (Non-Resident).
  • Updated Quebec QPIP 2023 maximums.

GrandMaster II (v18.02)

  • Added support for Revenu Quebec's new Certification Number requirements for RL1 reporting.
  • Added support for the 2022 RL1 form background that provides 2 RL1 per page.
  • Adjusted an issue where some columns were misaligned in the NR4 report (Non-Resident).

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Looking for Payroll Software in Canada?

CanPay provides Payroll and HR software for thousands of companies across Canada. If your business has a unique payroll need or you are simply looking for an alternative to your current method, contact us today. We can offer you a customized solution that will suit your unique business requirements. Please call 1-800-665-5129 or send an email request to:

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