Payroll News Canada - Employment Articles

August 2021 - Welcome to the latest edition of The Payroll News! As always, please feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends and associates who are interested in keeping up with the latest changes in Canadian payroll, employment and HR News. Federal and Provincial news items are listed immediately below followed by our Featured Article.

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Tip of the Month

August 2022 - Preparing for a Payroll Examination - Did you know that the CRA can assign payroll examinations following a referral for perceived non-compliance or randomly select files in order to ensure that employers are fulfilling their payroll obligations? To assist businesses in this regard, the CRA provides a useful pre-recorded webinar entitled: "What to expect during a Payroll Examination". Click Here to learn more about this valuable resource.

Looking for past tips? Please visit our Tip of the Month archive for historical tips other useful information that will assist with your payroll and HR tasks.

Canadian Federal Payroll and Employment News

August 17, 2022 - Hiring is tough - especially for employers looking for bilingual talent. Here's why - An already-tight labour pool and increasingly restrictive language laws in Quebec are making it that much more difficult to recruit bilingual talent, employers and experts tell Global News. A Statistics Canada report released Wednesday shows the proportion people fluent in both French and English in provinces outside of Quebec diminished between 2016 and 2021, even as the total bilingual population grew across the country over those same five years. (Full Story)

August 17, 2022 - How to draft a 'watertight' employment contract - Contracts, contracts, contracts. You could say they're the very bane of HR's life – ensuring they're compliant, up-to-date, and watertight can seem like an almost impossible feat. And yet, employment contracts are probably one of the most important areas for HR leaders. After all, make one mistake and you could wind up on the receiving end of a hefty lawsuit. (Full Story)

August 17, 2022 - Big Boss is watching - George Orwell's "1984" was published nearly three-quarters of a century ago, but some of its elements reverberate today – particularly the idea of Big Brother watching us. While technology allows potential surveillance by entities like governments and corporations, for many people Big Brother may be their employer. But how much can employers legally keep an eye on their employees? (Full Story)

August 17, 2022 - 25% of Canadians are concerned about losing their job this year - Many Canadian workers are looking for a new job, according to a new report, and this is because they are afraid of losing their current job if the economy worsens. A new report from consulting firm Robert Half found that 25% of Canadian workers are concerned about getting laid off or terminated if the economy worsens, with many of these worries coming from young workers. According to the report, employees ages 18 to 24 are most worried about losing their jobs (53%), followed by workers ages 25 to 40 (29%). (Full Story)

August 17, 2022 - Let's put it in writing: Why written employment contracts make sense - A comprehensive, written employment contract is a good way to protect the interests of a company as well as its staff, according to a recent article by Patrick Stepanian, a legal manager at HR consultancy Peninsula Canada. Though employment terms can be provided orally, Stepanian says it's still best to produce a written contract. A written contract clearly outlines expectations and responsibilities and can serve as a reference guide in the event of a disagreement. (Full Story)

August 16, 2022 - Do you monitor your pay stub? Payroll errors could be costing you income - Working Canadians could be losing income due to payroll errors they fail to notice because they don't carefully monitor their paycheques, a new study suggests. More than half of Canadians say they don't carefully monitor the income and deduction amounts on each pay statement, according to the recent study by Payments Canada, which surveyed more than 1,500 employed Canadians. (Full Story)

August 15, 2022 - Some Canadians would rather job hunt than return to the office - As Canadians are being called back to the office, Leger wanted to know how their perspectives on in-office work have changed, and how a once-thriving downtown core has been affected. In its survey, Leger explored how employees are adapting to adhering to return-to-work regulations, what they thought about the state of their city's most densely populated areas and if they felt their safety was at risk by clocking in-office hours. (Full Story)

August 7, 2022 - Canada continues to have very low unemployment rate - Canada's unemployment rate held steady at 4.9% in July, matching the record low from the month before. The total number of unemployed people held steady at one million in July. In addition, 426,000 people wanted a job but did not look for one, and therefore did not meet the definition of unemployed. This was little changed for the sixth consecutive month. The adjusted unemployment rate remained at 6.8%, the lowest rate since comparable data first became available in 1997. (Full Story)

August 3, 2022 - 70% of Canadian employees enjoy working from home more than expected: survey - More than two-thirds (70 per cent) of Canadian employees have enjoyed working from home more than they expected, according to a new survey by VMware Inc. The survey, which polled 1,500 employees, found only 40 per cent feel their employer has clearly explained expectations around a return to the office. More than half (52 per cent) said their employer has communicated the workplace will be more flexible and 37 per cent believe their employer will require them to come back to the office three or more days per week. (Full Story)

August 1, 2022 - After the Great Resignation, where did all the Canadian workers go? - Restaurants, airlines, schools and nursing homes are at the sharp end of a labour crunch that's afflicted employers all year long. In June,the unemployment rate fell to a record low of 4.9 per cent, tightening the screws on an economy with more positions than it could fill. Amid a prolonged pandemic, laid-off workers took stock and reassessed their priorities. Others, grappling with burnout in precarious or stressful work environments with long hours, simply walked away. (Full Story)

July 28, 2022 - After pandemic pivots, where have Canadian workers gone? - Restaurants, airlines, schools and nursing homes are at the sharp end of a labour crunch that's afflicted employers all year long. In June,the unemployment rate fell to a record low of 4.9 per cent, tightening the screws on an economy with more positions than it could fill. Amid a prolonged pandemic, laid-off workers took stock and reassessed their priorities. Others, grappling with burnout in precarious or stressful work environments with long hours, simply walked away. (Full Story)

July 29, 2022 - Best practices for managing recalling workers - As business start to repatriate employees back to the office, there may be bumps in the road. "Do employees have to comply?" is the big question on Canadian employers' minds as we head further into 2022. While there's been a myriad of changes to the workplace since pre-pandemic days, including considerable workplace related legislation (such as, in Ontario, the Working for Workers Act which addresses electronic monitoring and the right to disconnect), the current challenge for HR leaders will be returning employees back to a physical workplace without disruption. (Full Story)

July 23, 2022 - Where have all the workers gone? Don't blame COVID, economists say - Canada is in the throes of a serious labour shortage, but economists say it's not all the pandemic's fault - it's the inevitable culmination of a seismic demographic shift decades in the making. "It's the slowest-moving train on the planet. It was predictable 60 to 65 years ago, and we have done nothing about it," said Armine Yalnizyan, an economist and Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Workers. "We knew this transition was going to happen." (Full Story)

July 22, 2022 - 31% of Canadians have never tried to negotiate salary - Despite reports that employees are now in the driver's seat when it comes to employment, not many workers are maximising this advantage and negotiating their salaries, according to a new report. A survey conducted by recruitment platform Indeed revealed that 31% of Canadians have never tried to negotiate their salary, while only 36% feel comfortable in doing this. (Full Story)

July 21, 2022 - CRA warns personal services businesses about tax rules, cites Driver Inc. model - A Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) bulletin is reminding personal services businesses (PSBs) that they can't claim the tax deductions and expenses available to other corporations – and it's using a trucking-specific example to reinforce the point. (Full Story)

July 6, 2022 - Overall job vacancies in Canada continue to increase - According to Statistics Canada's latest report on job vacancies, payroll and earnings, employers in Canada were actively seeking to fill about 1 million job positions at the beginning of April, up 2.4% from the previous months and almost 45% from April last year (not seasonally adjusted). Statistics Canada indicated that the increase in April is in large part due to seasonal reasons, as more job become vacant in the spring and summer. (Full Story)

July 4, 2022 - Why your options may be limited if your employer wants you back in the workplace - The pandemic necessity of doing your job away from the workplace is ending as restrictions and mandates ease and employers refocus on getting people back to in-person work. While employers can wind down temporary measures, they should also consider how the work environment has changed since COVID-19 took hold early in 2020, that flexible arrangements have proved to be possible, and how employees may feel about going back to in-person work, experts in Canada say. (Full Story)

Provincial Payroll and Employment News (Choose a province to expand the articles)

August 17, 2022 - The Alberta Advantage is back! Highest average wages in the country! - Who knew that higher salaries were part of the Alberta Advantage? At Monday's press conference announcing his vanity "Jason is Calling" advertising campaign in Toronto and Vancouver that will attempt to lure members of the Laptop Class to move to Alberta, Premier Jason Kenney bragged about how wages are higher in Alberta. (Full Story)

August 15, 2022 - Alberta Seeks Ontario and British Columbia Skilled Workers - Alberta is looking to attract Ontario workers to the province to fill needed jobs in skilled trades. In a media statement, the provincial government says, "Alberta is the best place in Canada to live, work, and raise a family, and a new campaign to attract talented professionals will tell that story. The Alberta is Calling campaign launched in the Toronto and Vancouver markets aims to attract skilled, educated and motivated talent to consider moving their careers and future to Alberta. (Full Story)

August 15, 2022 - WorkSafeNB wants your input on OHS proposals - WorkSafeNB is looking to make changes to the province's Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and is seeking stakeholder input. Specifically, the board of directors is proposing changes to the OHS Act, the Administration Regulation 84-26 and General Regulation 91-191. Many among the proposals focus primarily on housekeeping items. (Full Story)

August 5, 2022 - Alberta's unemployment rate continues to fall, dropping to 4.8 per cent in July - Alberta's unemployment rate continued its downward trend last month as jobless rates dipped in both Calgary and Edmonton. According to Statistics Canada's July 2022 Labour Force Survey, Alberta had a unemployment rate of 4.8 per cent, down just one-tenth of a percentage point from June when it sat at 4.9 per cent. (Full Story)

July 28, 2022 - Convenient access to workplace health, safety rules - The OHS legislation search tool consolidates the OHS Act, regulation and code into one interactive, online resource. The tool will enable employers and workers to more efficiently access and apply the health and safety rules that apply to their workplace. A searchable web-based version of the legislation means Albertans can quickly navigate and share individual sections from all three components of OHS legislation in one place. (Full Story)

July 26, 2022 - New claim notifications for employers - The myWCB mobile app for employers provides a facility to pay your premiums, get a clearance and more with online services. With WCB's online services, it's easy to get the claim and account information you need. This can help you support your workers with better return-to-work outcomes. Receive an alert when one of your workers reports an injury to WCB and connect with modified work resources, so you can have a plan in place from day one. (Full Story)

July 6, 2022 - Creating apprenticeship opportunities for Albertans - Alberta's government is investing $3.2 million to train more Albertans for good-paying jobs in the construction industry. The 33-month pilot project is a partnership with the Alberta Construction Association, End Poverty Edmonton and the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers. The initiative will provide hands-on training to prepare Albertans for jobs in the trades. (Full Story)

August 10, 2022 - Determining workplace status - On July 13, 2022, WorkSafeBC's Board of Directors approved policy amendments on determining workplace status to align policy with the Workers Compensation Act and the common law, and to reflect the changing nature of work in British Columbia. The amended policies apply to all decisions made on or after January 1, 2023. (Full Story)

August 10, 2022 - Worker mileage rate review - On July 13, 2022, WorkSafeBC's Board of Directors approved changes to policy in Item C10-83.00 Transportation, in Volumes I and II of the Rehabilitation Services & Claims Manual. These changes will align reimbursement rates for health-care-related travel with the Canada Revenue Agency maximum tax-exempt mileage allowance for British Columbia, and will be adjusted on January 1st of each year. The amended policies apply to all decisions made on or after September 1, 2022. (Full Story)

July 14, 2022 - WorkSafeBC's preliminary average premium base rate to remain unchanged in 2023 - WorkSafeBC announced today that the preliminary average base rate for 2023 will remain unchanged at 1.55 per cent of employers' assessable payroll. This will be the sixth year in a row that the average base rate has remained at this level, consistent with WorkSafeBC's goal of keeping rates stable. (Full Story)

August 18, 2022 - Manitoba Government announces plan to increase minimum wage to $15 by October 2023 - The Manitoba government is announcing its plan to increase the minimum wage to $15 by October 2023, Premier Heather Stefanson announced today, noting government will soon begin consultations with small businesses on the effects of this change. Earlier this spring, in recognition of exceptionally high inflation, the Manitoba government passed amendments to the Employment Standards Code to increase the minimum wage above the rate of inflation, the premier noted. (Full Story)

August 10, 2022 - Employers looking to sweeten the deal for new employees amid labour shortage - Employers in Manitoba are looking to attract a younger generation to join the workforce amid an ongoing labour shortage. Experts say there are enough workers here in Manitoba, they just aren't actually in the workforce, meaning employers are having to sweeten the deal. According to Statistics Canada's most recent labour force survey, employment in Manitoba is up 0.4 per cent since June and up 2.8 per cent since July last year. (Full Story)

August 9, 2022 - Province provides more than $8 million to Manitoba businesses through Canada-Manitoba job grant to support workforce training - The Manitoba government is providing more than $8 million to Manitoba businesses through the first intake of the 2022-23 Canada-Manitoba Job Grant to support the province's workforce training needs. The first intake of the 2022-23 Canada-Manitoba Job Grant will provide 375 businesses with more than $8 million in funding. An additional $2 million in funding will be available for applications received in the second intake period, which will open in September 2022. (Full Story)

August 5, 2022 - Labour Force Statistics for July Show Manitoba had lowest Unemployment Rate on record - The latest economic indicators from Statistics Canada show Manitoba's employment numbers increased by 2,500 jobs from June to July, with the unemployment rate dropping to 3.5 per cent, setting a record as the lowest percentage the province has seen since the labour force statistics series started in 1976, Premier Heather Stefanson announced today. (Full Story)

July 25, 2022 - Manitoba reports increased injury rate in 2021 - Manitoba recorded more injuries in 2021 compared to 2020, according to data released by the province's Workers Compensation Board (WCB). The time loss injury rate in the province increased to 2.7 per 100 full time workers last year from 2.5 per 100 full time workers the previous year, according to the report. (Full Story)

July 25, 2022 - Government of Canada invests in foundational skills training for workers in Manitoba - The Government of Canada is investing over $3.8 million in Workplace Education Manitoba (WEM) through the Skills for Success program. WEM's Workplace Connections project will help 120 people become certified Skills for Success practitioners. As practitioners, they will design and deliver employer-focused skills training, tailored to the specific needs of 60 different workplaces, predominantly in manufacturing. About 500 workers across Canada, including in Manitoba, will benefit from this training. (Full Story)

July 7, 2022 - Manitoba government amends regulations to increase construction industry minimum wage - The Manitoba government has amended regulations in the Construction Industry Wages Act to increase the minimum wage for construction workers in the industrial, commercial and institutional sector and the heavy construction sector and to better align with apprenticeship regulations, Labour, Consumer Protection and Government Services Minister Reg Helwer announced today. (Full Story)

August 9, 2022 - New Brunswick amending pension legislation to allow for reserve accounts, annuity buyouts - New Brunswick is amending its Pension Benefits Act to allow for enhanced communications with plan members, exempt compulsory membership for religious beliefs and allow for reserve accounts and the statutory discharge of annuity buyouts. The amendments will also provide the Financial and Consumer Services Commission with the authority to address overpayment errors and grant rule-making. (Full Story)

August 5, 2022 - Unemployment Up In New Brunswick, Down In Nova Scotia - Canada's unemployment rate remained at a record low of 4.9 percent in July. Statistics Canada says employment fell by 31,000 across the country compared to June. Losses in the services-producing sector were spread across several industries, including wholesale and retail trade, health care and social assistance, and educational services. StatsCan said a drop in the number of employees working in the public sector was tempered by a gain among self-employed workers. The number of private sector employees was little changed. (Full Story)

June 29, 2022 - Inclusion support workers receive hourly wage increase in line with early childhood educators - Inclusion support workers at early learning and child-care facilities will receive an increase in hourly wages, matching their compensation with early childhood educators. This is in recognition of inclusive learning practices and to support equal opportunities for every child. Trained inclusion support workers, who have completed the one-year Early Childhood Education certificate or equivalent, will have their salaries increased to $23.47 per hour. Untrained inclusion support workers will have their hourly wage increased to $16.90. The increase will come into effect Aug. 1. (Full Story)

June 29, 2022 - Living wage valued at $18.13 per hour in N.B. - he Atlantic Provinces Economic Council estimates that a decent living wage in New Brunswick is $18.13 an hour. Nearly four out of ten workers are currently paid below this threshold. "Should everyone at least earn a living wage?" This is the question posed by the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council in its latest report. The independent think tank estimated the hourly rate a full-time worker would need to meet their basic needs, avoid financial stress, support their children's development and participate in life. social and cultural of his community. (Full Story)

June 24, 2022 - WorkSafeNB seeks public's input on Phase II of regulatory review - WorkSafeNB is seeking stakeholder feedback to understand the economic and business impacts of proposed amendments to General Regulation 91-191 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The proposed amendments in Phase II were developed in collaboration with stakeholder technical committees. Richard Blais, WorkSafeNB's acting vice-president of Prevention, said "We expect these regulatory amendments will make workplaces safer and lead to a strong safe work culture in New Brunswick, resulting in fewer injuries," (Full Story)

August 16, 2022 - Status of Women Council's new report reignites call for pay equity legislation in N.L. - The St. John's Status of Women Council is renewing its call on the government of Newfoundland and Labrador to implement pay equity legislation - and has released a new report to help its case. On Monday the organization released an 18-page report that takes a close look at the pay equity landscape in the province, including the wage gap and federal, provincial and territorial legislation across Canada. (Full Story)

August 11, 2022 - Minimum Wage Varies Across Canada & It's Actually Really High In Some Spots - Here's something you may not know - the minimum wage in Canada really varies across the country, with a difference of almost $5 per hour between some spots. Every single province sets its own minimum wage, with some as low as $11.81 and others going up to $16. This means if you're on the lookout for a minimum wage job, you could find yourself with more or less cash than others doing the same work in different provinces and territories. (Full Story)

August 2, 2022 - Removing Barriers, Increasing Benefits for Skills Development - By September 2022, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who wish to train for a career will see an easier path to supports thanks to improvements under the Skills Development Program. Changes will result in increased benefits to assist adult learners and their families with the rising cost of living. Some changes include: a maximum $500 per week top-up for Employment Insurance recipients; and combining living and transportation allowances into a simple single payment of $500 per week for individuals not receiving Employment Insurance. (Full Story)

August 1, 2022 - Fall Protection Standards Regulated Throughout the Country - Occupational Health and Safety standards for fall protection equipment will now be recognized by all jurisdictions throughout Canada. Amendments have been made to Newfoundland and Labrador's Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2012, to reflect these requirements, including replacement of the existing standards for fall arrestors and vertical lifelines. Amendments were also required to reflect self-retracting devices and connecting components for personal fall arrest systems. (Full Story)

July 14, 2022 - Independent Review will help Apprentices Advance in Skilled Trades - The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has issued a request for proposals for an independent review of the provincial apprenticeship program. This review supports the commitment to help ensure the best outcomes for the more than 3,000 apprentices trained annually in post-secondary institutions and job sites across the province. (Full Story)

July 5, 2022 - Lost-time workplace injury rate remains at all-time low and WorkplaceNL remains fully-funded - WorkplaceNL has released its 2021 Annual Performance Report, confirming that it met its 2021 strategic objectives in the areas of client service, leadership in workplace injury prevention, financial sustainability and claims management. At 1.5 per 100 workers in 2021, the lost-time incidence rate remained at an all-time low since the workers' compensation system was introduced in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1951. (Full Story)

August 11, 2022 - Government of the Northwest Territories launches new online platform to support apprentices - A new pilot program launched by the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) will support apprentices who face challenges with formal learning, technical training, and exam preparation. Virtual Learning Strategist (VLS) is an online learning platform that pairs each apprentice with a Learning Strategist. The Learning Strategist will work with the apprentice to identify challenges  such as skill gaps, learning disabilities, exam anxiety, and individual factors that could affect their performance. (Full Story)

August 2, 2022 - New funding available to support Indigenous language interpreter and translator skills training - The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is pleased to announce new funding available to support Indigenous language professionals who want to advance their knowledge and skills. The GNWT recognizes that Indigenous language interpreters and translators are vital to language revitalization and achieving the vision of a territory where Indigenous languages are supported, respected, and thriving. (Full Story)

July 25, 2022 - How much do people earn in different NWT communities? - Data from the 2021 census illuminates the amount of money people can expect to earn in different Northwest Territories communities. The figures show residents of Norman Wells and Yellowknife in general have the most earning power. They also show a gulf between larger and smaller communities that largely is not closing. The data measures median incomes. (Full Story)

July 13, 2022 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation declared statutory holiday in Northwest Territories - The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has amended the Employment Standards Act (Act) to add the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to the list of statutory holidays, to be observed on September 30 annually, beginning in 2022. This holiday gives all Northwest Territories (NWT) residents an opportunity to acknowledge the territory's colonial history and the legacy of residential schools. (Full Story)

August 10, 2022 - These charts show nurses are doing more OT than ever. They say it's driving many from the profession - As Canada's hospitals strain, data shows rise in overtime predates pandemic, but it has gotten worse since. As emergency rooms in some parts of Canada reduce their hours due to staffing shortages, and analysts warn the system is buckling under the strain, representatives for nurses say the signs of trouble were evident prior to the pandemic. (Full Story)

August 9, 2022 - Healthy workplaces are good for everyone - Healthy workplaces balance physical and psychological health and safety, which is good for everyone. WCB Nova Scotia is proud of the strong safety culture we have helped to build in our province. Building awareness is the first step in achieving change, and as work continues to keep workplaces and employees safe, the Healthy Workplaces campaign, developed in partnership with the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration, helps raise awareness about the important message that workplace safety includes both physical safety and psychological health and safety. (Full Story)

August 8, 2022 - N.S. job vacancies soared this spring, leaving restaurants, hotels in a bind - Nova Scotia's restaurants and hotels need workers as job vacancy rates reach record highs. According to the latest Statistics Canada data, there were 24,580 job vacancies in Nova Scotia in May, an increase of more than 22 per cent from April, with more than 1,600 in accommodations and food services. The number of job vacancies in the food sector began to increase in 2013 but has grown during the pandemic. (Full Story)

July 11, 2022 - WorkShift Podcast: Episode 2 available - In recent years, the WCB has experienced an increase in complex workplace injuries, where the barrier to return to work is not a physical injury, but a mental health related issue. In this episode of WorkShift, you'll hear perspectives on creating psychologically safe and healthy workplaces, and the roles we all must play. (Full Story)

July 6, 2022 - Apprentice Supervision Ratio Revised to Help Meet Labour Demands - More skilled trades workers can seek certification in Nova Scotia with changes the Province is making to apprenticeship training requirements. Among the changes are: increasing the number of apprentices a journeyperson can train, exempting youth apprentices from the journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, and adding flexibility for virtual supervision. (Full Story)

August 15, 2022 - Careers and job openings with Nunavut Corrections - Nunavut Corrections is ready to hire you! The Corrections Division of the Department of Justice offers jobs and careers for caseworkers, counsellors, nurses, cooks, and instructors who are ready to share their knowledge. Corrections serves clients of all ages at facilities in Nunavut and provides justice outreach services throughout the territory. The division offers seven weeks of paid training and career development for positions at correctional healing facilities located in Iqaluit, Rankin Inlet and Kugluktuk. (Full Story)

July 28, 2022 - Payroll tax for employers - The Department of Finance reminds employers that businesses are required to remit and pay the two per cent payroll tax on time. Remittance payments are due on the 20th of the month following each remitting period. Employers who remit later than the 20th will be subjected to penalties. Employers should register their businesses with Nunavut Payroll Tax within 21 days of an employee's first paycheck. (Full Story)

August 17th 2022 - In Ontario, where have all the workers gone? - With Ontario facing labour shortages in a number of industries, lobby groups, unions and labour experts are offering up ideas on how to solve the ongoing crisis. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce says the province needs to promote skills training and offer a tax credit to companies for co-op students' first year of wages, among other recommendations. Unions and workplace experts say there's a simpler way for employers in the province to find good help: increase pay and improve working conditions. (Full Story)

August 15, 2022 - Does Ontario's paid sick leave go far enough? - Late last month, the Government of Ontario announced an extension to their paid sick leave program – applicable to March 2023. And while it's good news for employees worried about picking between their income and their wellbeing, does the proposed scheme really go far enough? The government will reimburse the employer for three days but the mandatory isolation period is five days – furthermore, it's possible for an individual to catch COVID more than once. (Full Story)

August 11, 2022 - Ontario class action settlement reclassifies volunteers as employees, setting new precedent - More than four years after the launch of a class action lawsuit against a company that ran student travel excursions, an Ontario court has approved a settlement between the organization and former trip leaders who argued they were not paid as employees. The suit alleged trip leaders with travel firm S-Trip were classified as volunteers while leading student trips, but in reality were doing the work of employees. (Full Story)

July 30, 2022 - Ontario is facing a lack of skilled workers - A new report from BuildForce Canada warns that the construction industry in Ontario will face a huge shortage of skilled workers over the next 10 years, and many construction projects will have trouble finding the workers they need. The biggest challenge facing employers in construction will be the shortage of skilled workers. In addition, more than one in five workers currently employed in construction will reach retirement age in those 10 years. (Full Story)

July 25, 2022 - Ministry Updates ESA Guide on Electronic Monitoring Policies - Employers with 25 or more employees as of January 1, 2022 have until October 11, 2022 to have a written policy on electronic monitoring of employees (Policy) in place. Beginning in 2023, employers who meet the 25 or more employee threshold on January 1 of each year must have a Policy in place before March 1 of that year. The Policy must state whether or not the employer electronically monitors employees. (Full Story)

July 21, 2022 - International Students in Ontario Are Fighting Wage Theft-And Winning - In Brampton, Ontario, a small team of young organizers has begun taking on the businesses that exploit them, one case at a time. The Naujawan Support Network, a collective of international students and migrant workers from Punjab, India, has won back more than $200,000 Canadian ($154,000 U.S.) in stolen wages in just over a year. (Full Story)

August 5, 2022 - P.E.I. unemployment rate remains lowest in region - P.E.I.'s unemployment rate rose almost a full percentage point in July, but remained in record low territory. Statistics Canada released the monthly labour force survey Friday morning. The unemployment rate went from 4.9 to 5.7 per cent. Nationally the unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.9 per cent. P.E.I. still has the lowest unemployment rate in Atlantic Canada, but fell behind provinces to the west of the region. (Full Story)

July 29, 2022 - WCB - Draft Policies for Feedback - The Board of Directors of the Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island has approved amendments to the following, in principle: POL-09 Hearing Loss, POL-90 Time Frame Limitations for Claims Filing and Invoicing, POL-93 Return to Work, POL-117 Vocational Rehabitation, and POL-85 Extended Wage Loss Benefits. The draft policies, along with the summaries of the proposed changes, are available in the Policy Consultation section of their website. (Full Story)

July 9, 2022 - With P.E.I.'s inflation rate the highest in Canada, what should happen to the minimum wage? - Islanders have until Thursday, July 14, to make submissions to the Employment Standards Board's minimum wage review. The board makes recommendations to the province on changing the minimum wage based on public input. This year, the review comes at a pivotal point in the province's economy, with runaway energy prices driving the inflation rate to 11.1 per cent in May, the highest in the country. (Full Story)

August 16, 2022 - Council debating mandatory living wage for City projects - A motion up for debate by Regina's city council would see a living wage become a contract requirement for crews working on City projects. It would make it mandatory for successful bidders to pay their workers at least $16.95 per hour and would also be considered a contract condition. The Saskatchewan Construction Association (SCA) is opposed to the idea. (Full Story)

August 15, 2022 - Saskatchewan Grants Ukrainian Newcomers with Eligibility for Employer-Driven Training - The Government of Saskatchewan today announced it will allow all temporary residents arriving under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) with a valid work permit to be eligible for Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant (CSJG) and Re-Skill Saskatchewan Training Subsidy (RSTS) funded training. In March 2022, the Government of Canada created a special, accelerated temporary residence pathway for Ukrainians to live, work and study in Canada. (Full Story)

August 5, 2022 - Strong Job Growth in Saskatchewan Continues in July 2022 - Today, job numbers released by Statistics Canada for July 2022 show Saskatchewan added 24,400 jobs, an increase of 4.4 per cent compared to July 2021, the third highest increase among the provinces. All of the growth was in full-time jobs. In July 2022, Saskatchewan's unemployment rate of 4.0 per cent remained the second lowest among provinces, a decrease from 7.1 per cent in July 2021 and well below the national average of 4.9 per cent. (seasonally adjusted). (Full Story)

August 10, 2022 - Government of Canada helps Saskatchewan workers develop the skills they need to succeed in today's workforce - A Canada-Saskatchewan agreement has been created to provide over $3.7 million in funding under the Skills for Success program. This project will develop a skills-based assessment tool that can measure the skill levels of Saskatchewan residents and help employers make informed decisions around hiring and skills training. This funding will also support the development of training and assessment resources to be housed online where they will be available to instructors, practitioners and tutors free of charge. (Full Story)

August 8, 2022 - How to become a health and safety officer? - COS has decided to take a look at how safety careers compare across provinces. Over the next few weeks we shall be covering each province and territory to see how each stack up when it comes to factors like salary, education and designations. We previously covered OHS careers in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Atlantic Canada and Quebec. In this article, we shall be taking a look at how to build a safety career in the Yukon. (Full Story)

July 19, 2022 - Living wage in Whitehorse could rise sharply next year, says public policy researcher - The living wage in Whitehorse could increase dramatically next year if governments don't take more actions to support people with low incomes, says author of a new report. Kendall Hammond, a public policy researcher, wrote the latest annual living wage report on Whitehorse, which was released on Monday, for the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition. The report found that the city's living wage went down in 2021 compared to 2020. But Hammond said the report doesn't take this year's inflation into account, meaning the living wage will likely shoot back up. (Full Story)

Some Canadians would rather job hunt than return to the office

A Leger poll also found roughly one quarter of workers plan to quit in the near future

As Canadians are being called back to the office, Leger wanted to know how their perspectives on in-office work have changed, and how a once-thriving downtown core has been affected.

In its survey, Leger explored how employees are adapting to adhering to return-to-work regulations, what they thought about the state of their city's most densely populated areas and if they felt their safety was at risk by clocking in-office hours.

When it comes to job security, more Americans (37%) are concerned about losing their employment in the next year than their Canadian (29%) counterparts, while 24% of Canadians said they're likely to quit their job in the next year.

Among those polled who currently worked from home on at least a part-time basis, if their jobs required them to return to the office, 10% of Canadians said they'd quit their job immediately; 28% said they'd return, but begin looking for another job that might offer more flexibility.

Nearly half of polled Canadians reported that the vibrant downtown community closest to where they live has declined in the last year, while 15% said they or a close friend/family member have feared for their safety in these areas within the last six months.

The top three contributing factors indicated were mental health challenges, homelessness and lack of affordable housing for vulnerable populations.

Leger's survey polled over 1500 randomly selected Canadians who were over the age of 18, alongside a simultaneous poll of U.S citizens.

Article by Chelsea Clarke

Software Updates

eNETEmployer (Current Release)

  • Enhanced various French translations across the program (menu items, buttons, messages, etc.)
  • Updated the Audit table so that you can now expand the windows to view more of the table and columns.
  • When you add an employee in error (or leave the data fields empty) and then delete this unwanted employee, the program will now remove the record entirely.
  • Added an error message when adding an employee whose SIN or Email address matches that of an existing employee. This will help to avoid duplicate employees from being created.

GrandMaster Suite (v17.03)

  • Added the July 2022 mid-year tax calculation changes.
  • Added two new background templates for the "Upload to eNETInbox" feature.
  • Added a new export format for HEPP (Manitoba Health).
  • Corrected a problem where the global font size was overriding the Pay Stub and Pay Cheque font settings.
  • Corrected a problem where the employee's SIN was printing one line too low on the second copy of the T4.
  • Correct the problem where T4's were not sorting by Category then Surname when requested.

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